Color meaning is either based in learned meaning or biologically innate meaning.
The perception of a color causes evaluation automatically by the person perceiving.
The evaluation process forces color-motivated behavior.
Color usually exerts its influence automatically.
Color meaning and effect has to do with context as well.
Being the longest wavelength
Although most visible
Red is strong
Demanding and aggressive
Love / Power / Excitement / Lust
Colour of confidence and optimism
Giving rise to fear and anxiety
Happiness / Competence / Jealousy
Colour of balance
This indicates the presence of water
Indicate stagnation
Envy / Good Taste
Colour of the mind and is essentially soothing.
Colour of clear communication
Can be perceived as cold, unemotional and unfriendly.
Masculine / Competence / High quality / Corporate
Highly introvertive and encourages deep contemplation, or meditation.
It has associations with time and space and the cosmos.
Authority / Sophistication / Power
Associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition.
Associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery.
Black is essentially an absence of light
Black creates a perception of weight and seriousness.
Grief / Sophistication / Expensive / Fear
It reflects the full force of the spectrum into our eyes.
It is clean, hygienic, and sterile.
Purity / Sincerity / Happiness
Attracting attention
Color is used as a means to attract consumer attention to a product that then influences buying behavior. Consumers use color to identify for known brands or search for new alternatives. Variety seekers look for non-typical colors when selecting new brands. And attractive color packaging receives more consumer attention than unattractive color packaging, which can then influence buying behavior.
Design elements Design elements are the basic units of any visual design which form its structure and convey visual messages. defined the elements of design as Line, Direction, Shape, Size, Texture, Value, and Color (in that order), concluding that “these elements are the materials from which all designs are built.” Color Colors play a large …
Psychology Behind Color and Emotion
Color Principles
Attracting attention
Color is used as a means to attract consumer attention to a product that then influences buying behavior. Consumers use color to identify for known brands or search for new alternatives. Variety seekers look for non-typical colors when selecting new brands. And attractive color packaging receives more consumer attention than unattractive color packaging, which can then influence buying behavior.
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